
What Is a Casino?

Casino, also known as the gaming industry or gambling establishment, offers games of chance for money. Gambling activities in casinos vary by jurisdiction and are regulated by law. Casinos range from massive resorts to small card rooms. Casino games can be found around the world and bring in billions of dollars each year for owners, operators, local governments, and state and local tax collectors. Casinos attract gamblers from all walks of life and can be found in cities, towns, and states where gambling is legal.

Although the exact origin of casino gambling is unknown, it has long been a part of society, from miners chancing their luck in Las Vegas to the current era of mega-resorts and state-of-the-art video poker machines. In addition to the usual table games such as blackjack and roulette, many casinos feature other games such as baccarat, pai gow poker, and craps. Some casinos even offer video poker and slot machines.

Every casino game has a built in statistical advantage for the casino that can be as low as two percent. This profit, plus other non-gambling revenue such as food, drinks, hotel rooms, and show tickets, give casinos the financial security to afford extravagant inducements for their high rollers.

Most casinos use a combination of physical and specialized surveillance departments to monitor patrons and the gaming floor. Specialized surveillance typically uses closed circuit television, while physical security usually patrols the premises and responds to requests for assistance and reports of definite or suspicious activity.